Have the Talk of a Lifetime
is an initiative spearheaded by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council (FAMIC) with the goal of memorializing loved ones in more meaningful ways.
Davis Funeral Home is a strong supporter of the Have the Talk of a Lifetime initiative. We encourage all families in Nashua, Hudson, Manchester, Hollis and the rest of New Hampshire to engage in this type of conversation.
What do We Mean by The Talk of a Lifetime?
The talk of a lifetime is a conversation between you and a loved one that allows you to get to know each other better. You should try to learn about each other’s fondest memories, values, talents, accomplishments, what is most important to each person, and what each person seeks to stand for or represent. This conversation will help you learn how your loved one wants to be remembered and honored when they pass away.
The talk of a lifetime not only will help you in the future when you need to memorialize a loved one’s life, but it also brings you closer to this individual in the present. You will connect and get to know each other on a deep level that allows you to truly see how important your loved one is to you and the impact this individual makes in your life.
You may regret not having this talk once this special person has passed away. The opportunity to truly understand someone needs to be cherished and treasured.
How Do I Start the Talk?
It might be difficult to start this conversation. Below are some ideas of questions that may help start the conversation or may help your loved one share their life stories:
What were some of your favorite songs growing up?
What was the best piece of advice you were ever given?
What is your biggest accomplishment?
What was your most memorable moment as a child?
What was the most difficult thing you have ever had to do? What did you learn from it?
How do you want to be remembered?
How do you want your life to be honored and commemorated?
A photo album, souvenir, or memento may also help start the talk. A memorable or important location might also help someone open up and share stories.
After the Talk
The talk of a lifetime does not need to happen just once. In fact, since this talk can be so broad and can touch so many topics, the talk of a lifetime should ideally be a continuous dialogue where you continue to learn more and more about your loved one.
Then when your loved one passes away, you will be ready to prepare a truly meaningful and special memorialization. Our funeral professionals at Davis Funeral Home will help you create a memorialization that truly captures your loved one’s personality and values.
Do not hesitate to call us at (603) 883-3401 if you need guidance on how to Have the Talk of a Lifetime with a loved one, or if you wish to start planning a memorialization.
Informational Brochure
We are pleased to offer families in the community a free brochure. Have the Talk of a Lifetime, that will help you begin a conversation about life. We encourage you as you ‘have the talk” with your loved ones. Please call us if we can help you or if we can provide additional information about your memorialization options.